
Published Sun 30 July 2023 in misc
Updated Sun 30 July 2023

by max blasdel

In grad school I took a GIS focused class on web mapping and became infatuated with Javascript and how the internet works. I spent some free time learning vanilla javascript and writing websites with HTML and CSS. These projects are created with plain HTML, CSS, and JS for a personal website that went largely unfinished. They are hosted through github and it never made sense to port them over to this site. These were just for fun when I discovered web development but I'm still happy with them years later.

NBA Chart JS

Interactive chart made with Chart JS and data processing/web scraping with R. Compares NBA players on a couple different stats.


Interactive map of NBA arenas made entirely with JS. Data processing with R

Radio Coverage

Recreation of a Carto DB map showing coverage for basketball radio stations in Oregon

Voting Power

Exercise in Chart JS, Leaflet, and a little D3 showing relative voting power of different states

CA Agriculture

The beta interface to a biomass power study concerning agriculture in California. The details of the project can be hard to explain, but I think this is a nice use of Chart.js and leaflet to display data.

This would eventually become the webtool seen here although I was no longer working on the project when this was created.